For this first test, I simply wanted to see what a MULE mines over one lifespan vs. an SCV in the same period of time, with the same mining distances in each case.

The MULE lasts 90 seconds, and it mined 270 minerals.
The SCV mined 90 minerals in 90 seconds.

In one lifespan, it's safe to say a MULE is about 3 times more efficient than an SCV.


I wasn't convinced, simply because SCV's can't always be on the closest patches, while a MULE certainly can, so let's try this with the SCV's on patches of varying distances:

The MULE mines 270 minerals over one lifespan while on the closest patch, while the 3 SCV's mined between 240 and 255 minerals while placed on patches of varying distances.

This concludes that the MULE is actually slightly more efficient than 3 SCV's.

This also concludes that the use of a scan or supply drop effectively costs the Terran ~250-270 minerals over the course of 90 seconds. (Ouch.)


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So when should you get the Orbital Command? I'm not going to pretend to know the definitive answer to this question, however I will try to solve how long it takes for the MULE to become effective.


Let's look at the facts:
The Orbital Command costs 150 minerals.
A SCV costs 50 minerals.
The Orbital Command takes 35 seconds to complete.
A SCV takes 17 seconds to complete.
A MULE mines around 270 minerals in 90 seconds.
A SCV mines around 90 minerals in 90 seconds.
SCV's cost 1 supply each.

From this you can determine that you can build ~2 SCV's in the time it takes to build an Orbital Command. Let's make a timeline, assuming you could build SCV's and an Orbital Command at the same time:

0:00 - Orbital Command Start
0:00 - SCV #1 Start
0:17 - SCV #1 Finish
0:17 - SCV #2 Start
0:34 - SCV #2 Finish
0:35 - Orbital Command Finish

SCV #1 can mine for 18 seconds before the command finishes, mining an estimated 18 minerals.
SCV #2 can mine for 1 second before the command finishes, mining an estimated 1 mineral.

Yield #1 + Yield #2 - Supply Cost - SCV Cost = Total Cost
(Supply cost is determined as ~18.75 minerals per supply.) (Cost of Depot + Lost Mining Time / 8)

18 Minerals + 1 Mineral - 37.5 - 100 = -118.5 Minerals.

It costs approximately 118.5 minerals to produce 2 SCV's in the time it takes to build an Orbital Command, which costs 150 minerals. Therefore it is 31.5 minerals cheaper (during construction time) to NOT build an Orbital Command.

This determines that it sets your economy back 31.5 minerals when you build the Orbital Command, assuming you'd otherwise be producing SCV's.


Now that we know how much it 'costs' to build an Orbital Command, we can look back at how much a MULE can mine over the course of ONE lifetime, in comparison to that of the two SCV's which would otherwise be produced.

In one lifetime, we can recall that a MULE mines about 270 minerals. One SCV mines about 90 minerals at maximum in the same period of time, therefore two will mine a maximum of 180 minerals.

Using simple math, we can then determine that the Orbital Command's first MULE will gain the player 90 minerals over 90 seconds. Considering that the Orbital Command set us back ~32 minerals, it is accurate to say that when the first MULE is ONE-THIRD of the way through its lifespan, your economy will be equal to that of an economy without an Orbital Command.


In short, the Orbital Command pays for itself about 30 seconds after completion. This means, to me, that it certainly is an extremely worth early investment, assuming you are not killed within this short period of time.

It is also important to note the hidden pros/cons of the Orbital Command:
-If you choose to get it, you will have 2 less SCV's which have the ability to attack, while a MULE does not.
-MULEs have the same HP as an SCV, so if it is killed or interrupted through harassment, the early Orbital Command will hurt your economy initially to a greater extent.
-The Orbital Command also opens up the gameplay option of scans and supply drops.
-An early Orbital Command can slow or alter an early build order to a huge degree.
-Instantly creating an Orbital Command at an expansion instead of SCV's is, in general, much more efficient.