Razer reveals their StarCraft 2 gear

APM-lighting system is one of the features that comes with the StarCraft 2 gear of Razer - a mouse, a keyboard and a headset.

The "Spectre" mouse, the "Marauder" keyboard and the "Banshee" headset are all parts of the newly announced StarCraft 2 gear of Razor.

The gear comes with a unique StarCraft 2 design with a standard blue light, but you can custom it the way you like with the new
APM-lighting system. The APM-lighting system can be used to see the level of your APM through a different color on the light, in example; you're having a low APM and the light on the keyboard, mouse and the headset turns green. But when it goes up to say around 300, it will turn red, and some other colors in between to let you keep track on your APM while you're playing.

The Spectre mouse will cost $79.99, the Marauder keyboard $129.99, and the Banshee headset $119.99 and will be for sale soon. Read more details on Razer's official site in the link below.

Razerzone.com - Source

Techtree in Starcraft II Pictures

Here we have 3 photos of techtree in SC2 , which would help you to get into the game faster . 
Terran :

Zerg techtree : 

The Wings of Liberty special edition has been revealed

- The Art of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, a 176-page concept art book;
14-track OST CD, containing the epic sound of the StarCraft 2 universe;
Behind the Scenes DVD;
2GB USB flash drive replica of Jim Raynor's dog tag, loaded with the original StarCraft: BroodWar;
"Mini Thor" - an ingame World of Warcraft pet for all of us who enjoy that Blizzard franchise as well;
Special Battle.net downloadable content that will consist of character portraits and unit customization details;
StarCraft comic #0, a prequel to the released comic series.

Gamers will be able to enjoy this Special Edition at the price of $100, which is a great value for money given that you will probably need a motorized transport to bring that baby home.

For those of you who just want to plunge into the StarCraft 2 universe there will be of course a standard edition at $60 a piece.

Starcraft II ESL Tournament and Final VODS

Mind vs Lalush

Game 1 

ClouD vs Lalush Terran vs Zerg on Desert Oasis

Good game ,displaying well Terrant vs Zerg actions

Terran vs Protoss sample strategies

Lets begin:

a) The LucfrioNN Bo:

1 Rax 1-2 Rines Marauder to fast Expand and Marauder only. Against Nazgul in the ESL finals it worked but the toss noticed then u just have to 4 gate/robo allin and its not defendable for terran with rauder only.

Drone and the art of defence in StarCraft II

Scouting is Everything
In Brood War, Protoss vs Zerg used to be plagued by Protoss players not having a good way to scout. In fact, for a long period of time, a lot of Protoss players rushed for corsairs from one gas because getting a corsair out was the only way to keep them from playing completely blind. Interestingly, this strategy became completely useless with time, and only after fast expand builds were popularized years later did it became good again.

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